ABTO Committees

The following Committees are provided to facilitate the exchange of information:

Members Advisory Panel (MAP)

This provides guidance to the secretariat on the issues of importance to the industry. Please email [email protected] if you are interested to become involved with the work of the MAP.

Technical Committee

The Chairman of the Technical Committee is Garry O'Malley, Director, Steel River Quay.

Please contact Garry directly if you are interested to become involved with the work of the Committee.

[email protected]  +44 (0)7745 990999

ICHCA International and ABTO have signed an MoU to cooperate on technical and safety matters. Representatives sit on the other’s committees as necessary.

Biomass Group (BG)

The growing use of biomass in power generation has resulted in a new set of issues arising around the handling storage and transportation of these fuels. This group facilitates the exchange of best practice and highlights the lessons learnt when significant issues have arisen.


The MAP provides guidance to the ABTO secretariat of the current and relevant issues influencing the technical, commercial, environmental and market conditions affecting bulk terminal operations.


All ABTO administrative and management functions are provided by the Maritime Association Management Company (Maritime AMC Limited) which was formed by four senior members of the maritime community, all of whom have extensive knowledge of the global bulk shipping sector.

The structure recognises that in modern times members do not have time to devote hours or even days to the issues which need the attention of the Association. The MAP provides clear guidance which is then acted upon by the Secretariat.